Ethics Code and Debtor Rights

At Pendulum we base our behaviour in the highest codes of conduct and strictest ethical standards, which distinguish us in the market, integrated to our own internal Code of ethics and conduct. In case there is any kind of misconduct carried out by one of our employees, you can report it through any of our confidential channels which we place at your disposal:

Send us an email at:
Call us at: 55 1084 7112.

jugueton 2019

Rights of our Debtors

As a debtor at Pendulum you have rights to protect the integrity of your information and our operations, get to know them:

1. You must always be treated with respect.
2. You may know the breakdown of the balance you owe.
3. You may verify the legitimate ownership of your mortgage/loan.
4. You must never be discriminated against for any reason.
5. No executive nor lawyer at Pendulum is authorized to receive cash payments.